Putney Heath Lane Traffic Management Consultation Begins |
Council wants views on plans to reduce rat running
Wandsworth Council is currently trialling a right turn ban from Lytton Grove onto West Hill and Putney Hill with the aim of reducing traffic volume through local residential street. Following a local petition asking for its removal due to concerns regarding displaced traffic on adjacent residential roads, a report was presented to the Strategic Planning and Transportation Overview and Scrutiny Committee to provide an interim update on the Lytton Grove trial. Based on the traffic data gathered, it was evident the main source of traffic volume on adjacent residential roads was via Putney Heath Lane and Rusholme Road. To address the concerns of this petition, the Council is now consulting residents on a possible trial to deter vehicles from using Putney Heath Lane and Rusholme Road as a cut through between West Hill and Putney Hill during peak hours. The proposal is to consider two trial restrictions, a morning peak hour (7-10am) Monday to Friday left turn ban trial from Putney Hill into Putney Heath Lane and a morning peak hour (7-10am) Monday to Friday left turn ban trial from Putney Heath Lane into Rusholme Road. Both trial restrictions can be introduced independently or as one through the use of an Experimental Traffic Order depending on the outcome of the consultation. The original scheme was are designed to complement similar measures to deter cut through traffic from this part of East Putney, which was introduced as a pilot scheme earlier this year. This focused on Lytton Grove and has prevented vehicles from turning right at both ends of Lytton Grove – onto Putney hill and West Hill respectively. The Council wants hear the views of local residents and businesses regarding this possible trial. Please submit your views using this online survey. The survey runs until 8 January. If you require a paper copy of the survey or a different language/format, contact Mena Bhatia on 020 8487 5338.
December 4, 2020 |