Diversions and delays in the local area due to road works
A306 Rocks Lane, Barnes |
19 July — 21 July |
Delays likely Traffic control (Stop/Go boards) |
Works description: 24/214 tel0187117 - slot cut c/w sensor loops to repair traffic signals SD0 plus feed to existing chamber (f/w 2m new duct and underkerb) 10.00-15.00, southbound c/w lane 1 and f/w to chamber (ped access maintained) |
Responsibility for works: Transport for London |
Current status: Planned work about to start |
Works reference: YG516S000000004025 |
A3 West Hill, Wandsworth |
18 July — 20 July |
Delays likely Traffic control (multi-way signals) |
Works description: Excavate in the C/W approx 1m x 1m square, enable the thames water valve, make it operable complete reinstatement |
Responsibility for works: THAMES WATER |
Current status: Planned work about to start |
Works reference: MU277000HCV6966721/01 |
A217 Ram Street, Wandsworth |
16 July — 21 July |
Delays likely Lane closure |
Responsibility for works: THAMES WATER |
Current status: Planned work about to start |
Works reference: MU602LANESAI465--001009 |
Clonmore Street, Southfields |
16 July — 29 July |
Delays likely Road closure |
Works description: Footway and carriageway work to construct a raise junction |
Responsibility for works: Wandsworth |
Current status: Advanced planning |
Works reference: PB002PN0001072018/RM |
Parkfields Road SW15 is currently closed near the Junction of Upper Richmond Road due to a collapsed sewer. Works are estimated to be complete by 27/07/2018. Contact Thames Water 0800 009 3961.
West Hill SW18 Multi-way temporary traffic signals outside number 60 between 22:00 – 05:00 to carry out a Thames water valve box repair commencing 18/072018 to 19/07/18. Contact Thames Water 01189531310
Water Leaks and Gas Escapes
Do not assume that someone else has phoned it in. Please do not report these to the Council. The following free phone numbers should be used to report leaks
WATER: 0800 714614
GAS: 0800 111999
All utility companies have to prioritise works across our borough as well as other boroughs in south London. The On Street Services team actively monitors works on the public highway and works with utility companies to minimise disruption as much as possible.
For further information contact the Engineer in the first instance or e-mail streetworks@wandsworth.gov.uk.
July 19, 2018