Rotary Santa Raises Over £2600

The Rotary Club of Putney approaching 90 years old and looking for new members


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Every year as Christmas approaches the streets of Putney receive a sppecial visit from Santa on his sledge. Organised by the Putney Rotary Club, this year they raised approximately £2,650 over the four nights.

Leslie McDonnell told, " It was an excellent sum given the current economic climate and the atrocious weather, particularly on the last two nights. A massive thank-you to all (especially those with children) who came out to wish us well and who gave so generously". 

He continued: " Every penny is now sitting in our charity account where it has been added to monies raised from other fund-raising events and will be used for good causes. Whilst most of these will be local we were able to give nearly £1,000 to Shelter Box, a British-based international charity,  immediately after the Philippines disaster". 

What is the Putney Rotary?

2015 sees the ninetieth anniversary of the formation of the Rotary Club of Putney. The club meets on Monday evenings (except bank holidays) at 6.45pm at the London Rowing Club, The Embankment, Putney. The club consists of men and women from a range of professions, ages (30's to 80's!), and places (a third of our members have grown up, lived or worked abroad!)

Rotary was started more than 100 years in Chicago by Paul Harris, involved local businessmen meeting up in each other's offices on a rotational basis. Hence the name Rotary!

Rotary still combines a mixture of friendship and fellowship with charitable objectives. At the International level, Rotary has proudly fought for the total eradication of polio worldwide in conjunction with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and that by the end of 2013 there are only small pockets of the disease remaining in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Nigeria.

Putney Rotary Club has recently sent resources to the Philippines after their devastating storms, through a donation to Shelter Box, as well as supporting a series of music therapy sessions at the Paddock School in Roehampton. Throughout the year the club supports projects in local schools like Young Musicians, Young Chefs, Youth Speaks. We have also organised trips to the theatre for residents in sheltered housing and taken local disabled children for days out to theme parks.The club sends Youth Exchange students abroad and is this year hosting postgraduate students from Japan and the USA as part of the Rotary Foundation Global Scholar programme. Putney is also fortunate to have a Rotaract Club - Rotaract is the part of the Rotary family aimed at 18-30 year olds.

Local meetings involve a light meal and often include a visiting speaker. Visitors are welcome and should complete the form on the club website ahead of their visit.

If you want more information on Rotary in general and the local club in particular, please visit our website at or call Jim Maddan, the club's president on 07956366160 or email him at

January 3, 2014