Driver speeds off with police in pursuit having wrecked front of shop

This Sunday evening (19 May) at around 9.50pm a car crashed in to the frontage of the Russell Gallery on the Lower Richmond Road. The driver of the car sped off after the collision with the police in pursuit.
Owners Sarah and Charles Russell told this website,"Luckily nothing was damaged paintings or sculpture. However the shop front has to be replaced."
Repairs underway - image: supplied by a witnesses
A witness told this website, that the car was "a left hand drive estate car with Eastern European plates". The witness is concerned that there is additional risk with this parade of shops as the gas pipes are on fitted to the external wall of these properties (see grey pipe in the above image) and that these could easily have been damaged in an impact.
We understand that the driver was caught and arrested but are awaiting confirmation from the police.
2 May incident - image: Paul Benton
This is the second incident in the area. On the evening of 2 May the Lower Richmond Road between Putney Bridge and Glendarvon Street was closed after a taxi collided with a bus stop.
May 24, 2019