Environmental protestors target three sites across London at same time

The group dispersed after a warning from the police
April 28, 2023
Traffic in Putney was delayed this Friday morning (28 April) after protestors from the Just Stop Oil group held a slow march.
The march started at the same time as other protests in Ealing and Mile End involving 64 people in total.
It was the fifth day in a row the group caused disruption on key roads. This has prompted police to issue Public Order Act (S12) notices to remove Just Stop Oil supporters from the roads.
The Met Police posted on one of its Twitter accounts, "At around 08.50hrs, Just Stop Oil #protesters slow marched across #Putney Bridge.
"Officers were quickly on scene and explained that Section 12 Public Order conditions would be enforced if they did not move out of the road.
"Protesters moved off the road by 09:03hrs."
The Home Secretary announced this Thursday that the police would be give new powers to prevent these ‘slow walking’ protests.
A Just Stop Oil spokesperson said, “People marching to protect their rights, lives and livelihoods is a time honoured method of resistance. We are doing what the Suffragettes did and what the Civil Rights movements did.
“It’s what everyone does when the inalienable right to life and a livelihood are violated - they engage in direct action. It is an act of self respect, an act of solidarity, an act of necessity.
“We won’t be deterred by changes to protest laws or how strongly the police enforce those laws. Just Stop Oil supporters understand that this is irrelevant when we face mass starvation, mass death and the collapse of ordered human society.
“So do your worst Suella Braverman. But understand this: you and the Government of which you are a part will go down in history as cowards who did not have the guts to look reality in the face. You will go down in history as criminals who consigned millions of people to a future of starvation, misery and death, because you did not face up to your responsibility to protect and lead.”
The group plan further marches including one this Saturday from Parliament Square to the Home Office in protest at the imprisonment of some of its members. Once at the Home Office, supporters will join the Black Lives Matter ‘Shut it Down’ rally and march to Downing Street.
A slow march from Parliament Square is planned from 7am every weekday and midday every Saturday except on Saturday 6 May.
Since the Just Stop Oil campaign began on 1 April 2022, there have been over 2,100 arrests and 138 people have spent time in prison.
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