With the Doverhouse Singers Community Choir directed by Carl Speck
The Doverhouse Singers will be performing their seasonal repertoire at St Mary's Church in Putney on 1 December, led by their musical director, Carl Speck.
The concert is free to attend, with refreshments and a raffle in aid of the choir's chosen local charity, Regenerate Rise - the vision of Regenerate-RISE is to eradicate isolation across the UK with Putney and two other RISE projects, which are in Battersea and Nottingham. It is an exciting time and their plan is to seeing RISE projects spring up in villages, towns and cities where Churches or organisations would work in partnership.
Regenerate-RISE's mission is to eradicate isolation across the UK. Intergenerational which providse a combination of services which include lunches, outings, activities, pastoral and practical support, outreach, hospital and home visiting. Celebrating life, fulfilling dreams, forming friendships and giving older people a reason to live..
The Dover House Singers is a community choir in Putney, they sing a really wide range of songs and pieces – from pop songs to spirituals and plenty more inbetween. About twice a year they hold a big concert, with several smaller performances dotted through the calendar.
November 22, 2018