The Friends of Putney Library A.G.M. focusses on helping children to read
Teresa Harris from local literacy charity Learn to Love to Read will give an illustrated talk about the interesting work they do, linking with local schools and libraries and training volunteers to help children to read.
Theresa Harris said: “Learn to Love to Read wants all children to have frequent, positive reading experiences. We work with toddlers, primary school children and their parents. Improving reading builds confidence, widens vocabulary and inspires a love of reading that will last a lifetime. Some of our work involves trained volunteers visiting schools once a week to hear children read. We are now recruiting additional volunteers for local schools for a September start.”
To find out more, come and join us in Putney Library on Wednesday 17 July from 6.30-7.30p.m. (refreshments from 6p.m.) A free event. To book a ticket call 020 8780 3085 or email
"We need to teach our children to read and to enjoy reading. We need libraries, we need books, we need literate citizens. You’re finding out something as you read that will be vitally important for making your way in the world. And it’s this: the world doesn’t have to be like this. Things can be different. I hope we can give our children a world where they will read and be read to and imagine and understand." - Neil Gaiman, 2018
Learn to Love to Read are looking to recruit two new members of staff – a volunteer manager and a fundraiser. Both roles are part time, just a few hours per week, though there may be potential to increase these hours if we continue to expand. One role must involve work during the school holidays but we may be able to be flexible about which of the roles has this commitment. Find our more here.
June 20, 2019