Authors talk, local art and Councillor’s surgeries
Get ahead for Christmas! Cards for good causes return this month, trading dates from 24 Oct to 20 Dec.
Wednesday 30 October 7.45 - 9 pm
In the haunted depths of Putney Library, amidst tomes of forgotten lore Doktor Khalid von Frankenstein is to reveal his latest marvel of the scientific age.
But what is this? The good Doctor struck dead?! The only suspects being his party guests?! Each with their own terrible blood curdling secret?!
Join a cast of vampires, mummies, werewolves, and ghouls and see if you can unravel this spooky Halloween mystery!
Tickets £5, includes free cocktail!
Booking essential, call: 020 8780 3085 - or email:
Local Councillor’s Surgery
Held Every Saturday Morning
5th Cllr Kim Caddy
12th Cllr John Locker
19th Cllr Sarah Binder
26th Cllr Guy Humphries
No need to book -
First come first served
Library Opening Hours:
Monday 9 -8
Tuesday CLOSED
Wednesday 9-8
Thursday 9-8
Friday 9-5
Saturday 9-5
Sunday 1-5
Residents' Visitors Parking Permits:
Issue ceases 30 minutes prior to closing. Not issued on a Sunday.
Friends of Putney Library - Facebook page
October 19, 2019