Putney Primary Sets Up First Play Street In Borough

Cortis Terrace by Granard Primary School will be closed to allow children to play safely

Cortis Terrace which will be closed off for Street Play event

Putney Events

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The first ever Play Street in the borough is coming to Putney as Granard Primary School arrages for Cortis Terrace to be closed off on Wednesday, 12 June from 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. we have arranged a Play Street outside school on Cortis Terrace.

Days when playing in the street was normal

Cortis Terrace will be closed off and stewarded, so that children can have the chance to play together freely and safely and parents/residents can meet and chat. Similar Play Streets have occurred in other boroughs, but this will e the first in Wandsworth.

Miss Sara Rahmani, the school's Travel Plan Co-ordinator told this website: "The aim of our Play Street is to provide our children with a safe space to play and to ease the congestion, poor air quality and road safety concerns that our families experience during drop-off and pick-up time by facilitating a timed traffic restriction on the road outside the school gate. The streets around our school are often dominated by idling cars and speeding traffic at drop-off and pick-up times, resulting in air pollution and an environment that is generally unpleasant for walking and cycling. By demonstrating that closing the road outside our school is achievable, and by measuring its impact and sharing our findings, we are aiming to encourage more regular street closures. Ultimately, we want to affect a permanent change in the way children travel to school."

Granard Primary School have teamed up with the charity Sustrans and Wandsworth Council to encourage more people to walk, scoot and cycle to and from school.

June 7, 2019


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