Posers Bar Gets To Stay

With a time period set to allow 'planning authority to assess the impact of the use on the area'


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Good news for Tortilla and its 'posing' customers, after the planning authority grants retrospective temporary permission on the 'posers bars' erected in March on building side running down Montserrat Road, with an 18 month time period condition:
"This permission is for a limited period, and the use shall stop by 30th November 2019 (unless a further application has been approved by the local planning authority)".

Tortilla's Posers Bars in Putney

Local residents had voiced concern on the forum regarding pedestrian access for residents in Montserrat Road is already compromised as the opposite northern footpath is closed whilst the Metro bank developers work on that site. The time period granted is: "To enable the local planning authority to assess the impact of the use on the area, to comply with Section 72 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990."

Thamesfield councillor John Locker responded to the decision: "I share the concerns that a number of residents had about the posers bar at this busy location which is why I objected to the proposal. I think it is important we monitor its impact closely and if necessary campaign against extending permission if it does cause problems for local people".

This website contacted the agent representing the company in this application, for comment and to clarify if there would be stools outside, refuse collection by staff and set hours for the use of the bar but received no response.

June 2, 2018

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