
Churches in Roehampton


Holy Trinity Church 7 Ponsonby Road Roehampton

a wonderful example of the Gothic revival, built in 1898 it has splendid pre Raphleite style interior decorations and a 200 foot spire, a landmark for the immediate local area. Holy Trinity has an active Church of England congregation.

Sunday services 8.00am Holy Communion, 10.00 am Parish communion (family service), Sunday School at this time, 12 noon Holy Communion. Wednesday 6.30pm Holy Communion.

For further information contact the Vicar, Rev. Jim Mc Kinney 020 87889460.

Holy Trinity has ecumenical links with the Minstead Gardens Methodist Church, see below.


Roman Catholic

St Joseph's Catholic Church 218 Roehampton Lane.

Sunday Holy communion at 9.00 am 11.00am and 6.00pm, Children's liturgy at 9.00 & 11.00 am.

Monday to Friday 10.00am Mass, Tuesday - Thursday 8.00am Mass at St. Mary's Convent Roehampton High Street

. Saturday Mass at 10.00 am and 6.00 pm. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday's after the 10.00am Mass and at 5.15pm and on request.

For details on Baptisims and Confirmation and other enquiries contact the Church office on 020 8788 5012. Clergy: Canon Tom Mc Hugh


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