Upgrade Complete At Putney Vale

From potholes to new roads and pavements in the area funded by charge on developers


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Wandsworth Council announces the completion of the revamp of Roehampton housing estate with new roads, new paving, and pedestrian-friendly dropped kerbs funded by the Wandswroth Local Fund (WLF).

Frensham Drive and Stroud Crescent, on the Putney Vale Estate, have been resurfaced by the council along with other improvements, following a request from the residents association. The £460,000 works were paid for through the WLF, a council grant scheme for new and improved community facilities using funding from private development projects.

The WLF (also known as the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy) is a charge developers pay to the council to fund the infrastructure needed to support new development, such as new or safer roads, park improvements or a new health centre.

Cllr Guy Senior, executive member for finance and corporate resources, said: “The council collects a levy on private development sites and then puts this into works proposed by local people, known as the Wandsworth Local Fund.

“The Putney Vale Residents Association put forward detailed proposals which we carried out, and their estate now looks one of the best in the borough. It’s important that local communities benefit from all the investment coming in to the borough, and if you want to propose a project, please contact the ward councillor for where you live.”

July 24, 2017

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