Thamesfield Councillors Join Forces With Residents

To oppose proposed 15 storey 'Blades' building


Proposed ariel view from Townscape report
Full application (2012/1833)

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Local councillors are joining forces with residents in the Putney Bridge Road area over the planning application for the Putney Blades development on the corner of Putney High Street and Putney Bridge Road, which features a tower which could be be up to 15 storeys high.

One of the three Thamesfield councillors, Rosemary Torrington, stressed that the councillors are completely in favour of developing the site, but said it had to be the right sort of development for such an important site. She added:
“We have already had a meeting with the developers several months ago to look at their plans for this area, which is at the gateway into Putney. We put the case very strongly that the current scheme is completely out of keeping. But they have not taken anything on board. There are, universally, grave concerns about this particular application and it's important that local feeling is expressed clearly.

“The current design is far too overpowering and is quite out of keeping. And aside from this, it is basically a residentially-driven scheme whereas what is needed here is a town centre scheme for retail and office space.

“The corner strip right at the corner of Putney Bridge Road and the High Street is not included in the application and is virtually being held to ransom. The development as first proposed will jeopardise all future development of the corner site and this is a major gateway to Putney as you cross the bridge.

“There is insufficient public space, and there should be a public square at the heart of it.

“Myself and my fellow Thamesfield councillors, Jim Maddan and Mike Ryder, will fully back the local Deodar Road Residents' Association, which we know would be vehemently opposed to the scale of this particular development as well. Local residents are already talking about holding a public meeting where the wider community could put their views to the developers and council planners, and we wholeheartedly support that idea.”

Architects plans show the 15 storey as seen from Putney Bridge Rd (top of a double decker shown on high street)

Consultation period ends 29th June 2012

June 22, 2012