Putney High Celebrates Almost 75% Of A Levels Are A*-A

Oxbridge, McGill and Royal Academy of Music amongst world class destinations

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Happy Oxbridge students: (back row) Gina Marsh (English at Cambridge) and Miriam Gauntlett who achieved 4 A* grades and will read Natural Sciences at Cambridge

(front row) Olivia Michell who achieved straight A*s and is off to Oxford to read Biological Sciences; Caitlin Walsh, who will read Classics at Cambridge and Elizabeth Bell (English, Cambridge)

Putney High School (GDST)
35 Putney Hill London
SW15 6BH

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Putney High School is celebrating with 71 per cent of A Level entries achieving A*or A grades. One quarter of all entries achieved an A* grade, including an astonishing 82 per cent of English Literature entries.

Four students scooped all A* grades. Miriam Gauntlett, who achieved 4 A* grades, will now read Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge; Olivia Michell is off to the University of Oxford to read Biological Sciences; Isabella Sage will read Liberal Arts at the prestigious McGill University, Canada, and Rosanna Wates will read Theology at the University of Edinburgh. Also off to Cambridge are Elizabeth Bell and Georgina Marsh, both to read English, and Caitlin Walsh, to read Classics, while Eleanor Sax will read English Language and Literature at Oxford.

Head Girl Gabriella Webb will study Dentistry at Cardiff University while two students will read Medicine – Lucy Foreman at the University of Nottingham and Dominique Tham at Edinburgh.

Naori Takahashi has been awarded a scholarship to further her violin studies at the world renowned Royal Academy of Music. Hannah Curtis is off to the Camberwell College of Art.

Aspiring actress Fabienne Piolini-Castle combined her A Level studies with rehearsals. This October she appears in the BBC daytime soap Doctors and is now working on a feature film as well as a short film directed by the lead animator on the Game of Thrones, Spiderman and The Hunger Games. Fabienne will be reading Drama and Theatre Studies at Royal Holloway, University of London. She said: “Although rushing to auditions and filming while doing A Levels was at times difficult, being constantly busy actually worked as a motivator, making me more productive when settling down to revise. I realized I needed to do well in my exams to continue doing what I love.’’

The results come as Putney prepares to open a Performing Arts Centre this autumn.

Georgie Jesson - pictured right, achieved an extraordinary 100 per cent in her English Literature A Level examination – one year after scoring full marks in her AS examination.

Of the 59 students who sat A Levels at Putney this summer, almost half earned A*s or As in at least three subjects. 92 per cent of all entries were A* - B.

In this, Putney’s first year of offering the Cambridge Pre-U qualification in Chinese Mandarin, all candidates earned a D1 or D2 – equivalent to an A* at A Level.

Half of Religious Studies entries achieved an A* grade and 40 per cent of Spanish. Subjects achieving all A* or A grades included Art & Design; Classical Civilisation; German; Latin; Music and Theatre Studies. 90 per cent of Geography entries were A*-A. 94 per cent of English entries achieved an A* or A grade.

Acting Headmistress Mrs Suzie Longstaff said: “These results are amongst our best ever. We are absolutely thrilled for the students, who have worked hard with their teachers. We also thank the parents for supporting their daughters, and very much look forward to keeping in touch with the girls as they go off and take advantage of all the opportunities now open to them.”

August 14, 2015

August 14, 2015