Assembly Member Says Police Cuts Are “Reckless”

Urging Boris Johnson to negotiate to stop the cuts to policing in London

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Assembly Member Fiona Twycross yesterday called on the Mayor of London to open urgent negotiations with the Coalition Government to stop the loss of half of London’s police front counters. In Merton, 40 PCSOs and 31 officers have been slashed since March 2010.

At the London Assembly Plenary meeting this morning, a motion was passed condemning the £148million cuts that have to be made to the Metropolitan Police's budget in the next financial year.

Funding to the Metropolitan Police Service has been cut by the Coalition Government by 20 per cent. Over 891 Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) are likely to be cut, up to 65 front counters or police stations closed across London, and borough commanders will be merged.

Across London since May 2010, the Met has lost:

• 1,956 police officers
• 1,800 PCSOs
• Over 1,330 civilian staff

Local Labour London Assembly Member Fiona Twycross said:
“The Met Police’s budget is being slashed by 20 per cent and is in dire financial straits. The Mayor has failed to get a good deal for Londoners from Government and we are now seeing the impact of cuts on our front line services. They are cutting too far and too fast, they need to urgently re-think their plans. Morale in the Metropolitan Police force is dangerously low. It is time the Mayor woke-up to the seriousness of the cuts facing London’s police service.”

November 15, 2012