A free school following the national curriculum with an integrated Jewish studies programme
On 16th September the Mosaic Jewish Primary School (MJPS) opened its doors for its first class of four and five year old start the new school term. Situated in its temporary site on the edge of leafy Wimbledon Common MJPS is one of the latest ‘Government Free Schools’ opening this September.
The school opens in temporary accommodation for up to two yeas before transferring to a permanent site on nearby Roehampton Lane. Increasing by each year, the school will be at full capacity in 2019.
As a free school, MJPS will follow the national curriculum but also enjoys the flexibility of setting its own integrated Jewish studies programme, manage its own budget and report directly to Central Government.
MJPS has an ethos of inclusiveness and diversity with 50% of places offered to children local to the school and 50% to children of the Jewish faith from across the community.
“We are thrilled to have arrived at this momentous point in the journey to bring a Jewish school to South London.” Head teacher Kate Baum says, “To open our doors and begin teaching our children is the realisation of a dream. A dream that will see us contributing to the life and education of children from across South London.”
Chair of governors Shirley Lee comments, “The opportunity that a Jewish school in South London will offer to local families is significant. Our cross communal approach is at the core of our ethos and we believe this will be the key to future success of MJPS. We enjoy and welcome the on-going support we have received from across the South London Jewish congregations and many other faith communities. Now we have a school. We need all members of the community to help us grow.’
Andres and Anne Kupfer's twins Hannah and Simon are starting at MJPS this term. He said:
"We are thrilled that our twins will attend Mosaic Jewish Primary School. The opportunity to send our children to a Jewish school and remain in South London is something that we never imagined possible."
MJPS was established by a group of parents, teachers and community members living in the vibrant and diverse community of South London. Setting up MJPS is a response to a growing demand for exSeptember 25, 2013es to have the option of a Jewish education for their children.
Support for the school has come from across the faith communities of South London.
Heinz Toller, Vicar of St Paul's, Wimbledon Park:
“I am delighted that the vision from more than three years ago has taken shape and is becoming reality today. Our prayers are with you, the staff, the governing body and above all the children and their families. May the school become a parable of unity in diversity in the local and wider community.”
“On behalf of the Christian community here at St Paul's ??? ???*.” (*Mazel tov - congratulations)
Rabbi Sybil Sheridan, Wimbledon and District Synagogue:
“We are delighted at the opening of the school. It is such a positive step for the future of South London Jewry.”
Rabbi Charley Baginsky, Kingston Liberal Synagogue:
"Contrary to popular opinion many Jews live South of the River where we have a diverse, active and dynamic community. The opening of a Jewish school is not only much wanted but is another exciting step in sustaining and developing this community. This school is a product of incredible collaboration and this is mirrored in the school's aim to provide all the children with a cross communal Jewish education seamlessly integrated with the National Curriculum."
Rabbi Nissan Dubov, Chabad Lubavitch of South London:
"We offer our full support to Mosaic Jewish Primary School. We are very happy that a Jewish school is opening in South London and feel that it will be a significant asset to our community. The school will help to draw in Jews from across the region and offer a real boost to a renaissance in South London Jewish life."
Dr Martin Wolfson - Chairman of Kingston United synagogue:
“I think the school is fantastic for the Jews of South London. It will help to rejuvenate the communities. Already as a consequence of hearing about the school, members of our community have committed to staying in Kingston as they have the opportunity to send their children to Mosaic Jewish Primary School. SW London is a wonderful place to live and now you can enjoy all the benefits and take advantage of a Jewish education.”
September 23, 2013