Barnes & Putney Pressure Group Focus On Awareness Campaign

As Thames Tunnel consultation period draws to an end

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Consultation period ends 5pm 14th January 2011

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With only 10 days to go STOPtheSHAFT told that they "are working tirelessly to ensure that local residents are fully aware of Thames Water’s shocking plans to site a Main Drive Shaft for the Super Sewer in Barn Elms playing fields causing immense disruption to the playing fields, tow path and the river itself".

Over the next few days STOPtheSHAFT will be delivering 10,000 copies of Thames Water’s feedback form to residents in Putney and Barnes with a reminder to return the form to Thames Water before 5pm on 14th January.

 STOPtheSHAFT have prepared guidance on feedback and example responses which are available from their facebook site: STOPtheSHAFT PUTNEY&BARNES to make the process as quick and painless as possible.

Concerned residents can also email for more information.  A Spokesman for STS said:
“It is absolutely vital that every individual submit their feedback before the deadline and we are urging people not to be complacent. We strongly believe that a number of environmental, social and historic benefits of the local area will be desecrated forever if people fail to act and voices are not heard.”

The last communication from Thames Water suggested only 1500 people had sent feedback on the whole project. STS believe there is a real danger of Thames Water’s proposals going through by default unless every objection is heard.

STOPtheSHAFT will be gathering, en masse, at 11am on Saturday 8th January 2011 for a second march of protest. Old and young, historians, sportsmen, parents and children will come together to sing with one, loud voice “Brownfield not Greenfield!” The meeting place is Putney Pier on Putney Embankment.

The STOPtheSHAFT petition is going from strength to strength. Over 4200 signatures (on-line and paper) have already been received since the campaign began on 9th November. The group are aiming for 5,000 by 10th January and are urging everyone who hasn’t already done so to go online and sign ( or visit one of the many shops / pubs in the Lower Richmond Road that have petition boxes before 10th January.

STOPtheSHAFT believe in a cleaner Thames but not at the expense of historic and hugely valued Greenfield sites. Rowers, walkers, families, joggers, and all those living in close proximity to the site will suffer the blight of this destructive cause of action. Not least the many hundreds of people living on the Ranelagh Estate that faces the site. The current proposals will devastate a well-loved, natural part of London. The Main Drive Shafts should be located on more appropriate Brownfield sites such as Tideway Walk.

STOPtheSHAFT will also publicise the next important meetings over the coming days:

1. Open meeting with Justine Greening, 7.30pm, Wednesday 5th January, St Mary’s Church, Putney.

2. Open meeting with Justine Greening, Zac Goldsmith and Thames Water 8.00pm, Thursday 13th January, Holy Trinity Church, Barnes.

Further information is available from



January 4, 2011