Saturday Drop-in Clinics For Kid’s Jabs |
As PCT attempts to ensure children are properly immunised
To boost local immunisation rates, the borough's primary care trust NHS Wandsworth is now providing two Saturday morning drop-in clinic where children can go to have all the jabs they need to stay fit and healthy. There is no need to make an appointment and anyone can bring their child to either clinic to receive routine baby jabs, pre-school boosters, school leaver’s boosters and MMR. The initiative is designed to make it easier for parents or guardians who want to take their children to be properly vaccinated but have difficulty seeing their family doctor during working hours. The PCT is especially keen to ensure that parents ensure their children are properly vaccinated against serious illnesses like measles. One child in every 15 who gets measles has other serious complications, including chest infections, fits, encephalitis (swelling of the brain) and brain damage.
A new clinic is now open between 10am and midday on the first Saturday of every month at the Roehampton SureStart at 166 Roehampton Lane. For parents who cannot easily travel to Roehampton, the immunisation team also offer another existing Saturday morning drop-in clinic at the Tooting Bec Medical Centre, 103 Macmillan Way, (off Franciscan Road). It is open every Saturday morning between 9am and 12 noon. This clinic is also open on Tuesdays between 3pm and 7pm and every Wednesday from 3pm to 7pm. Nurse Betty Attipoe the PCT's lead immunisation nurse said: "It is so important that parents protect their children and others by making sure they are up to date with their jabs. "Immunisation is a way of protecting your child against serious diseases. Once children have been immunised their bodies can fight those diseases if they were to come into contact with them. If a child is not immunised they will be at risk from catching the disease. "We need parents to check whether their child is up to date with their jabs and if they are not, they will need to get in touch with their doctor or come along to one of our drop-in clinics. Parents are advised to bring along their child’s red book."
July 1, 2009 |