Elliott School Plan Exhibition at Library |
Public get chance to view plans for controversial refurbishment scheme Details of proposals to fund the refurbishment of Elliott School by disposing of part of the site will be on display at Putney Library this month. Putney residents will be able to view the proposals, discuss them with council staff and give their views and comments as part of an ongoing consultation process. Elliott School is a grade II listed building, but the Council says it is in need of urgent and extensive refurbishment to bring it up to the standard required for a modern school. Previous remodelling plans had to be abandoned following the end of the Building Schools for the Future project. The council, following discussions with Elliott School's Governing Body, now proposes to dispose of a section of the school site. The proceeds from the disposal are required to fund the rebuilding and refurbishment project. The disposed portion of the site will be used for housing, designed to be in keeping with the area. The council recognises the historical importance of the building, and intends that a remodelling project will be carried out in consultation with English Heritage. From September the school will become the ARK Putney Academy - a non-denominational, non-selective school open to all local children. Headteacher Mark Phillips, who has successfully raised standards at Elliott, will continue as its principal. The closing date for the first stage of consultation into the disposal of part of the school site is May 25. The exhibition in Putney Library, Disraeli Road , will be on two days.
Find out more about the proposals at www.wandsworth.gov.uk/arkputneyacademy.
April 5, 2012 |